Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything. The months have been quite a blur. Busy busy busy!
This was taken some time in January...we were waiting for Isaac to finish practice so we went to the park. Such a WARM day for January!
Isaac had a fun season of basketball!
Jeremiah and Christian started upward again. Jeremiah loves to play basketball.
Isaac's group got GOLD at solo & ensemble competition
And my little buddy Christian had surgery. He had to have his tonsils & adenoid removed.
It was very hard on him.
After about 2 weeks he started to feel a tiny bit better. We had to force him to eat...but it's always a lot more fun with a friend.
I got to go hang out at school with Jeremiah for his Valentines Day party!
We really spent the ENTIRE month of February trying to get Christian to eat something to regain his health and strenth...
Finally a little better, so we had a dance party. Grandma even made an appearance!
Abby and her friends performed their ensemble piece, it was great!
Making cards for people he loves
We had some friends over for dinner.
Abby and our friend/neighbor Fairy
I don't know what is going on here...
Christian started hemorrhaging 17 days after his surgery so he needed to have it recauterized. At this point we were wondering if he'd ever get better & return to school. At least his teacher sent all of his work home and I was able to help him stay caught up.
Formulating a plan to win the game :)
FINALLY Christian got better! We decided to take advantage of it and go to the park with friends.
My little THINGS for Dr. Seuss week